Not everything pretty is good
Water is considered contaminated when its' compositions are changed for the presence of strange substances.
Industry, cattle and agriculture are the principal responsiblity of this water pollution courses.
The subject of this post will be the eutrophication of the seven cities lagoon in Azores.
On the lands surrounding the lagoon, the agriculturists use fertilizers and pesticides. The excess of these substances is dragged to the lagoon and the water stays rich in nutrients. The nutrients presents in the lagoon promote the phytoplankton’s grown and multiplication. The phytoplankton accumulated on the surface of the water form one layer that obstruct the solar light and the submerged plants die because they can’t product their own aliment and oxygen without light. Consequence of it death, the compositors fed from it and spend all the oxygen present in water which will provoke the death of the fishes and other animals that lives in this lagoon.
The consequence of eutrophication is an enormous lack of oxygen.
So, when we look to the Seven Cities Lagoon and we have a great impression of it, it doesn’t correspond to good water, because life is only allowed to exist in the surface. But there are methods to prevent eutrophication. Methods like, chemical treatments, artificial airing and removal of plants.

Picture 2: Seven Cities Lagoon
Sources: http://www.propertyopportunitiesbyowner.com/lagoa_das_7cidades.jpg