Endangered dolphins should be well protected by environmental laws such as the laws protecting common dolphins.Dolphins are endangered for three main reasons and all of them are related to humans.
● the first reason is since both tuna and dolphins follow the same routes, dolphins get caught in the fishermen's nets which are meant to catch tuna. In this case, they get fatally hurt.

● the second reason is fishing for use in human's cuisine. Nowadays, dolphins are protected by laws but nonetheless between 200,000 and 500,000 dolphins were victimized by fishermen during the 1960-1972 years. Also, even if some laws protect dolphins, it allows a certain amount of dolphins to be accid

● the last but not least is pollution, since humans are polluting rivers, seas and oceans, it affects dolphins. Also, since the dolphin is at the top of the food chain, the chemicals that pollute its habitat create the highest level of concentration of these pollutants in its body, as a result, diseases, difficulty to reproduce or
even death of these species.

Dolphins aren’t the only victims up to 22,000 dolphins, porpoises and small whales are brutally killed each year by Japanese fishermen in three different hunts. In the last two decades, over 400,000 dolphins and small whales have been killed in and around the coast of Japan.
Um comentário:
Hmm, interesting to see I am not the only one concerned and posting about Portugal's endangered species.
Very interesting article everyone, keep it up!
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